Thursday, August 31, 2006


First week of school is good. I am happy. I got to see the people I love. The high light, I got to see Kim. She's my 4th mom that I have, not nececarilly that they are married to my dad but I called them mom because they let me call them mom and I know that they love me. I am lucky to be able to call these 4 ladies as mom. I guess rather than talking about the firt week of school, I would rather talk about these wonderfull women who taught me to love and who made a lot of difference in my life.

The first one, ofcourse, is my biological mom. Her name is Magdalena Woisiri. I can't ask for a better mom. Although she never get the taste of going through highschool, she is one smart lady. Not to mention that she is really creative. From knitting, crochetting, you name it, she can do it all and do it well. She has many tallents, but the one that help me go through life is the way she love her family. Her main language of love is service to other. I guess that is where I got that, it is also what my primary language of love. I am so lucky to have learned to love other from her because now, more then ever I can see that the love I sow on others has come back to me. Now more than ever I have many friends that will always be there for me. So thanks to my mom that I have learn a valuable life lesson which I can use all my life. That is to love the people around me.

The second mom is my hostmother in Vermont. Her name is Denise Bowen. I remembered there were times when I did not like Denise, but now looking back, I am thankfull to have known her. She taught me to be more mature and to have more dicipline. The one thing that stuck with me was she always said that I should be more appreciative of the thing I have. She is my mom going through highschool. Two Thumbs up for her! She did a good job of parenting, for having to have a teenage girl in her house for three years. Although I never really open up to her during the three years that I stayed with her, now, more than ever, she is my best friend who always have her ears open when ever I need an ear to talk about my life.

The third one is my roommate and best friend's mom. Becky's mom. Mary Huntly. One of the most giving and unselfish mom I ever known. She will do anything for her family. I have to tell you that, when I went home with Becky, her parents treat me like their own daughter. I can feel so much love in that house. One thing that amazes me the most is mom Huntly works straigh from 1:00 am untill 5:00 pm and at the end of the day you only hear her said her leg hurts and no other complaints. If I am mom Huntly, I probly have 1001 complaint to say every day. One thing I know is she is really strong and that inspires me to be as strong as she is.

The fourth one is ofcourse, Kim. She's a lady I've known since my freshmen year in OC. She's from Thailand and she always made my day better after I talk to her. She just have that charming personality. She pretty much play the role of being my mom here in Oklahoma Christian University. She listen to my problems and gave me posible solutions and always gave me encouragement in doing what my heart desire. I would even say that she is one reason why I am still in engineering after I found out I don't enjoy the classes as much anymore almost a year and a half ago.

Well thanks to all this wonderfull women, who have come to my life and leave a footprint in my heart.

Sunday, August 20, 2006