Well, how do I start? I am expecting a baby girl to be born in a month, I am looking at buying a house, my oldest daughter is going to preschool next month!!! Life is just keep blossoming, eventhough my career seems to take a halt. As for being a real engineer, is so out of site right now, but probly in 3 or 4 years from now.
In three days I will be having my long mathernity leave from where I work, and I am looking forward for that. It means that I have time to rest, to get the house ready in time for the baby, although it kinda left behind, because I can only have it done on weekends, and ussually on weekend I'd rather sleep than doing anything else.
Next order things to do is to figure out a day at which I can have the baby... unfortunate but I can't have the baby normal so I have to have a c section.... which I don't want to do.