So I got to meet my husband's sisters over the new year. Kak Else, Kak Lisa, kak Mei, Kak Joe, lerry. Oh I also get to see my husband's brother, They are a lot of fun to be with. I didn't get to spend much time with them because while I was away with them my dad went to the hospital and was in a coma. So I had to cut the family reunion very short, only from December 31st up to the 3rd of January.
I got 3 weeks vacation this christmas, starting on December 21st up to january 10th. I spend christmas with my family in jayapura. I got to see my baby, Gabriella all that time. It made me happy to see that Gabriella loves edu so much. She wanted to do everything only with Edu. :) that always made me smile. I would not dream that she will get that attached with edu, before, but now seeing how she interacts with Edu, made me believe there is a special bond between the two of them. Before my husband and I went for our vacation, I got so sick almost everyday... Edu told me that I might be pregnant, and I told him that it cant be, I was just too tired from work and the christmas celebration we made on December 11th. Then we finally test it, and I was pregnant, I haven't been to the doctor yet, but I might already be two month pregnant now. I Should go soon. well other then that.... Nothing really new. I might be resigning out of my job in a month or two. we will see.