Sunday, December 17, 2006

What's next?

It feels so free to finally finish the race of getting a college degree. The last four and a half year, was great. Ofcourse there are ups and downs, but through it all I've learn so much. I've learn to love so many friends and now it is so hard to leave.

So this is the transision to the next chapter of my life... but I don't know what will it be?
I know one thing though... I want to be with my daughter.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Try this this is kinda fun

1.) Put your music player on shuffle
2.) Press forward for each question.
3.) Use the song title as the answer to the

The questions and my answers:

1.) How am I feeling today?
Honey -- Mariah carey

let see am i feeling sweet? huahahahaha

2.) Where will I get married?
Truly, madly, deeply -- savage garden

haha on a mountain? sea? hahahaha

3.) What is my best friend's theme song?
Shake it off -- mariah carey

I dont think so....

4.) What is/was highschool like?
You and me -- life house


5.) What is the best thing about me?
sueno -- Juanes

sueno = dream? best thing about me is I'm a dream.... hahahaha

6.) How is today going to be?
la camisa negra -- juaness

today going to be black shirt.... well I'm gonna wear a black shirt then

7.) What is in store for this weekend?
hahaha ... Can you feel the love tonight -- Elton John

That's what you get to have lion king's songs in your play list...

8.) What song describes my parents?
When You Believe --Whitney Houston & Mariah Carey


9.) How is my life going?
Since you've been gone -- kelly clarKson

I dont know but okay

10.) What song will they play at my funeral?
la tortura -- Shakira....

I havent torture anybody have I? or is it my departure that is a torture for many people.... hahahaha

11.) How does the world see me?
yeah -- usher

I dont know what that imply

12.) What do my friends really think of me?
You and me -- lifehouse

hum.... anymore explanation than that?

13) Do people secretly lust after me?
Break away -- kelly Clarkson

Is that mean no? or they just have to break away... ?

14.) How can I make myself happy?
You got a way with me -- shania twain

hum.... how would that make me happy?

15.) What should I do with my life?
good bye -- air suply... such an old song!!!!

well I dont think I want to say good bye to my life yet....

16.) Will I ever have children?
I'm your angel -- R Kelly, Celine Dion

hum.... dont got that either

17.) What is some good advice?
paint my love -- air suply

okay than.... what color whould you like your love to be? hahahaha

18.) What do I think my current theme song
You and me -- life house

again... my windows media player must have like it

19.) What does everyone else think my current
The phantom of the opera....

hahahahaha how funny is that?

20.) What type of men/women do you like?
obcesion -- Aventura

uuuuuuhhhhh.....m no thanks I dont think I like obssessed guys at all

21.) Will you get married?
That's the way it is -- Celine Dion

:P hahaha

22.) What should I do with my love life?
Shake it of -- mariah Carey

okay is that mean I should just shake off all the memories about the ex-s?

23.) Where will you live?
Behind this hazel eyes -- kelly clarkson

Okay who has hazel eyes? I'm leaving behind your eyes.... how scary is that?

24.) What will your dying words be?
Nada Valgo Sin Tu Amor -- juaness
"Nothing worth without your love" oh my gosh.... who am i going to say this words to when I'm about to die? That will be so romantic.... hahahahaha...

Monday, October 09, 2006

I got my cap and gaun today....
I am so exited...
Thank God I am at the end of this chapter of life.
I can't wait to move on with life.
so I got my Cap and Gaun for Graduation!!! Yay me!!!
I am getting too excited...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

10 kualitas pribadi

Ketulusan menempati peringkat pertama sebagai sifat yang paling disukai oleh semua orang. Ketulusan membuat orang lain merasa aman dan dihargai karena yakin tidak akan dibodohi atau dibohongi. Orang yang tulus selalu mengatakan kebenaran, tidak suka mengada-ada, pura-pura, mencari-cari alasan atau memutarbalikkan fakta. Prinsipnya "Ya di atas Ya dan Tidak di atas Tidak". Tentu akan lebih ideal bila ketulusan yang selembut merpati itu diimbangi dengan kecerdikan seekor ular. Dengan begitu, ketulusan tidak menjadi keluguan yang bisa merugikan diri sendiri.

Rendah hati beda dengan rendah diri yg merupakan kelemahan, kerendahhatian justru mengungkapkan kekuatan. Hanya orang yang kuat jiwanya yang bisa bersikap rendah hati. Ia seperti padi yang semakin berisi semakin menunduk. Orang yang rendah hati bisa mengakui dan menghargai keunggulan orang lain. Ia bisa membuat orang yang di atasnya merasa nyaman dan membuat orang yang di bawahnya tidak merasa minder.

Kesetiaan sudah menjadi barang langka dan sangat tinggi harganya. Orang yang setia selalu bisa dipercaya dan diandalkan. Dia selalu menepati janji, punya komitmen yang kuat, rela berkorban dan tidak suka berkhianat.

Bersikap positif selalu berusaha melihat segala sesuatu dari kacamata positif, bahkan dalam situasi yang buruk sekalipun. Dia lebih suka membicarakan kebaikan daripada keburukan orang lain, lebih suka bicara mengenai harapan daripada keputusasaan, lebih suka mencari solusi daripada frustasi, lebih suka memuji daripada mengecam, dan sebagainya.

Keceriaan karena tidak semua orang dikaruniai temperamen ceria, maka keceriaan tidak harus diartikan ekspresi wajah dan tubuh, tetapi sikap hati. Orang yang ceria adalah orang yang bisa menikmati hidup, tidak suka mengeluh dan selalu berusaha meraih kegembiraan. Dia dapat mentertawakan situasi, orang lain, juga dirinya sendiri. Dia punya potensi untuk menghibur dan mendorong semangat orang lain.

Bertanggung jawab dia akan melaksanakan kewajibannya dengan sungguh-sungguh. Kalau melakukan kesalahan, dia berani mengakuinya. Ketika mengalami kegagalan, dia tidak akan mencari kambing hitam untuk disalahkan. Bahkan kalau dia merasa kecewa dan sakit hati, dia tidak akan menyalahkan siapapun. Dia menyadari bahwa dirinya sendirilah yang bertanggung jawab atas apapun yang dialami dan dirasakannya.

Percaya diri memungkinkan seseorang menerima dirinya sebagaimana adanya, menghargai dirinya dan menghargai orang lain. Orang yang percaya diri mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan dan situasi yang baru. Dia tahu apa yang harus dilakukannya dan melakukannya dengan baik.

Kebesaran jiwa dapat dilihat dari kemampuan seseorang memaafkan orang lain. Orang yang berjiwa besar tidak membiarkan dirinya dikuasai oleh rasa benci dan permusuhan. Ketika menghadapi masa-masa sukar dia tetap tegar, tidak membiarkan dirinya hanyut dalam kesedihan dan keputusasaan.

Easy going orang yang menganggap hidup ini ringan. Dia tidak suka membesar-besarkan masalah kecil. Bahkan berusaha mengecilkan masalah-masalah besar. Dia tidak suka mengungkit masa lalu dan tidak mau khawatir dengan masa depan. Dia tidak mau pusing dan tertekan dengan masalah-masalah yang berada di luar kendalinya.

Empati adalah sifat yang sangat mengagumkan. Orang yang berempati bukan saja pendengar yang baik tetapi juga bisa menempatkan diri pada posisi orang lain. Ketika terjadi konflik, dia selalu mencari jalan keluar terbaik bagi kedua belah pihak, tidak suka memaksakan pendapat dan kehendaknya sendiri. Dia selalu berusaha memahami dan mengerti orang lain.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Survival Guide at Oklahoma Christian

One day Cherry went home and said that Elkin's had given them a planner. So I check out the planner. Inside it, there are quotes on how to survive during college in OC.

The first one is from our president. Dr. Oneal saying, "Always wear a hard hat when sproting a neck tie."

Then if you flip the page over and find a wild life survival tip #00241 saying, "Skunk can only spray you when pointing away from you. Stay safe by maintaining eye contact at all times."

Flotation Survival Tip #00104
"In the event of an emergency, your chapel seat could possibly serve as a flotation device."

Wheather Savety Survival Tip #00120
"If you find yourself in the middle of a tornado, spin rapidly in the opposite direction."

Technology Survival Tip #00147
"Laptops work best above water"

Church survival Tip #00182
"Setting multiple alarm clocks will ensure a consistent church arrival time."

Insomnia Survival Tip #00201
"Stop, Drop & Nap."

Digestion Survival Tip #00212
"Eat pizza slowly to avoid choking and accidental ingestion of pizza box."

Toxic Fumes Survival Tip #00134
"Gas mask and other air freshening device are a necessary defense from the salty aroma of the Purina factory on days with a west wind."

Food Survival Tip #00981
"Microwave ovens work best when the dor is kept closed while cooking."

Social Life Survival Tip #00254
"Lightning is most likely to strike those who sneak out after curfew."

Grammar Survivla Tip #00250
Excessive instant messenging has been known to cause confusion and spelling trauma.

Thursday, August 31, 2006


First week of school is good. I am happy. I got to see the people I love. The high light, I got to see Kim. She's my 4th mom that I have, not nececarilly that they are married to my dad but I called them mom because they let me call them mom and I know that they love me. I am lucky to be able to call these 4 ladies as mom. I guess rather than talking about the firt week of school, I would rather talk about these wonderfull women who taught me to love and who made a lot of difference in my life.

The first one, ofcourse, is my biological mom. Her name is Magdalena Woisiri. I can't ask for a better mom. Although she never get the taste of going through highschool, she is one smart lady. Not to mention that she is really creative. From knitting, crochetting, you name it, she can do it all and do it well. She has many tallents, but the one that help me go through life is the way she love her family. Her main language of love is service to other. I guess that is where I got that, it is also what my primary language of love. I am so lucky to have learned to love other from her because now, more then ever I can see that the love I sow on others has come back to me. Now more than ever I have many friends that will always be there for me. So thanks to my mom that I have learn a valuable life lesson which I can use all my life. That is to love the people around me.

The second mom is my hostmother in Vermont. Her name is Denise Bowen. I remembered there were times when I did not like Denise, but now looking back, I am thankfull to have known her. She taught me to be more mature and to have more dicipline. The one thing that stuck with me was she always said that I should be more appreciative of the thing I have. She is my mom going through highschool. Two Thumbs up for her! She did a good job of parenting, for having to have a teenage girl in her house for three years. Although I never really open up to her during the three years that I stayed with her, now, more than ever, she is my best friend who always have her ears open when ever I need an ear to talk about my life.

The third one is my roommate and best friend's mom. Becky's mom. Mary Huntly. One of the most giving and unselfish mom I ever known. She will do anything for her family. I have to tell you that, when I went home with Becky, her parents treat me like their own daughter. I can feel so much love in that house. One thing that amazes me the most is mom Huntly works straigh from 1:00 am untill 5:00 pm and at the end of the day you only hear her said her leg hurts and no other complaints. If I am mom Huntly, I probly have 1001 complaint to say every day. One thing I know is she is really strong and that inspires me to be as strong as she is.

The fourth one is ofcourse, Kim. She's a lady I've known since my freshmen year in OC. She's from Thailand and she always made my day better after I talk to her. She just have that charming personality. She pretty much play the role of being my mom here in Oklahoma Christian University. She listen to my problems and gave me posible solutions and always gave me encouragement in doing what my heart desire. I would even say that she is one reason why I am still in engineering after I found out I don't enjoy the classes as much anymore almost a year and a half ago.

Well thanks to all this wonderfull women, who have come to my life and leave a footprint in my heart.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Monday, April 10, 2006

Ode to Toastmasters

by Blair Dodson

Dear Toastmasters you’ve been such a friend to me;
You made me into the best speaker I could possibly be.
You have made me laugh and made me cry;
In my life you have been the all time high.
Throughout systems we have spent countless hours together,
Just because role is taken by our friend Heather.
You came into my life with such a bang,
And now we leave you with our president John Chang.
Goodbye to all the memorable votes we have heard in this place,
From the Cowboy, to the panther, and even Wright Patterson Air Force Base,
From Brady Shumate for VP of Education to not John Harris,
To all of the Charles Gregg throws like a girl votes meant to embarrass.
A fond farewell to the speeches we will miss in the fall,
But here’s to “Why Men Should Wear Pink”, “A Life in Hairstyles”, and “Professors in the Restrooms” speeches we all can recall.
Every Wednesday at 11:30 am there will be a hole in our heart,
From the pledge, to the bell, to the handshakes, and the general we’ll miss every part.
Goodbye Toastmasters our dear old friend,
You have been with us throughout systems to the very end.
We will miss you very sadly,
Although we could use the $27 very badly.
And now Toastmasters we in Systems III bid you ado,
Also to the kids in Systems I and Dr. Ryan too.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Take this test at Tickle

Meilani, you're a Cocker Spaniel!

No bones about it, you're a perky, loving Cocker Spaniel. (Think Lady from Lady and the Tramp.) Playful and energetic, you're a real people person — er, dog. People can't help but fall hook, line, and sinker for your friendly, well-rounded personality and natural charm. It's a subtle thing, though — being outgoing and flirtatious, not showy, is the name of your game. Friends, co-workers, and potential dates can't help liking you. How could they not? Your winning-yet-humble ways make you popular, admired, and a joy to be around. Woof!

What Breed of Dog Are You?
Brought to you by Tickle

Monday, February 27, 2006

What Meilani means....

I got this forward from a friend it's kind funny..

M: You are beautiful and sexy
E: You are always fun when it comes to meeting new people
I: Love is something you believe in
L: You always make other people smile when you smile
N : your sex is unforgetable
I: Love is something you believe in

***The Alphabet:
B : you are loved by alot of ppl
C : you're wild and crazy
D : You have trouble trusting people
E : You are always fun when it comes to meetingnew people
F:People totally adore you
G : You are very friendly and
H: You have very good personality and looks
I : Love is something you deeply believe in
J : Everyone loves you
K : You like to try new things
L : You always make other people smile when yousmile
M : You are beautiful, and sexy
N : your sex is unforgetable
O : You love foreplay
P : You are very friendly and understanding
Q : You are a hypocrite
R: Someone loves you
S : People think you are so sexy
T : You are one of the best in bed
U : You are really chill
V : You are not judgemental
W : You are very broad minded
X : You never let people tell you what to do
Y : you make every experience great
Z : You're Super cool

Repost this with the title "What ur namemeans???"delete the persons name and replace it withyours.. :)