Saturday, September 24, 2005

Fall Semester

The semester has been going really well so far. I'm working 17 hours a week, building a baja car and taking 5 other engineering classes. I'm overwhelmed looking toward the next few weeks to come. I guess I just have to keep on working hard and try to get this semester over with. I hope that I wont be too tired and become sick. This past 3-4 months I have been sick twice and it's not fun, because i cant do anything at all.
Well I have been talking to Billy a couple of times. I thought the guy has some interest on me, but I think he is not serious anymore. I cant believe he didnt let me know that he was going to have his practice untill 9:30. We agreed to watch movie at 8:30 but when I tried to call him and e-mail him he was not there (ofcourse, he was at his play practice). So at 9:00 I decided to go to Barty's apartment. There, Marcos, Josh and I were playing soccer, which made the downstair people mad and so they called Jen at 11:00 pm. Jen express it this morning that she was so mad and I confess it was me. She might think that I am really stupid for playing soccer in the apt. at 11pm at night.
One more thing that concern me more is system class presentation. I am not looking forward for it. I hate public speaking and I hate the professors. I hope Dr. Cutbirth will have mercy on my soul and give me good grade anyway. Well that's all for now. I think I'm going to take a nap.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Does this e-mail reflect the nerd essence of the writer?


Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 12:46 PM

To: Jeff Bigelow; Steve Maher; Jim Cutbirth; David Cassel; Jim Elkins; Byron Newberry; Wayne Whaley; Myra Nickerson; Mary Ann Brown; Joe Watson; Bill Ryan; David Waldo; Don Robinson

Cc: Ryan Harms; Luke Watson; Michael Collins; Natasha Hartsock; Alyson Mack; Charles Gregg; Charles Ray; Derek Nuckols; Heather Moore; Jackson Hejl; Jacob Ely; James Baird, Jr. -STUDENT ACCOUNT-; Jay Prock; Jonathan Langford; Joshua Gramling; Kevin Plumlee; Laura Kite; Meilani Rudamaga; Reuben Dodson; Stephen Maddux; Zachary Gladhill

Subject: PEC Solutions - School of Engineering

Importance: High

As many of you may or may not be aware, a certain problem has been identified in the PEC atrium. This problem has a radius of roughly 695,000 km and a surface temperature of approximately 11,000 oF. You are probably asking yourself, "How could I have missed such an atrocity?!? Why wasn’t I informed of this?" Well, luckily for us, this flaming ball of gas is located roughly 93 million miles away (as the crow flies) and the atmosphere of our Earth protects us from some of its most damaging effects. But even with a thick protective covering, we are still forced to scorch and squint when the sun comes shining in the large windows on the east side of the PEC atrium.
The problem is experienced primarily between the hours of 8:00am and 12:00pm. The bright light shining in makes it not only difficult to see in general, it also makes reading your laptop a bear (if you’ve ever tried to read a laptop in broad daylight you know what I’m talking about). In addition, the solar heat gain in the room makes sitting in the direct light uncomfortable as well as adding an unnecessary cooling load on the building’s HVAC system.
A solution was proposed by a small group of senior Mechanical Engineering students. The solution included using club banners from spring sing and suspending them from shower curtain rods in the east side windows. Unfortunately, after the first banner was put up, someone filed a complaint with Myra about the banner being up. It is our thought that the complaint was not due to the existence of some sort of functioning curtain, but due to the fact that it appeared like an advertisement for a single club.
We feel like curtains or some type of tinting on the windows is not too much to ask. Although some might not agree with the idea of having curtains up in the atrium, the majority of those who actually use the atrium feel it is a good idea. Of course funding could be provided by SGA and private donations. We would appreciate the Department Chairs response so that we can develop a solution to this problem.
Possible solutions include:
Blank Curtains
Window Tint
Retraceable Screen
Let’s be creative!

-The Engineering Students